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P&Pd Service Platform Operating Manual

- Height adjustment:

The holes at each side of the platform's deck are made to align with the companion holes of the under-side slider blocks .... the clip pins are placed through the aligning holes, and the pins are clipped .... NEVER have one side of the deck pinned only, and not the other side.

- Brake adjustment:

P&Pd multi height work platform, at full height and solid and stable due to thorough design and closed section beam construction

At the rear of the platform is a buckled strap which connects the brake pedal to the cross cable connecting the brake slide bolts. This is adjusted so that the brake slide bolts are retracted clear of both wheels when the brake pedal is pushed fully forwards and locked in position (sideways into the short slot).

- Brake use:

In any position, and when standing on the deck, pushing the brake pedal forward releases the wheel brakes .... if desired the wheel brakes can be made to remain unlocked by removing your foot from the pedal, after nudging it into the short side slot (at the end of the main slot).

- Transporting:

It is useful, when transporting the P&Pd Multi-Height service Platform, to pin the end holes of the deck, to lock the deck down.

The platform unit is within the recommended weight for manual lifting and lifting the unit is easily done by one person .... Alternately the platform unit can be towed by one person, on the braked wheels, with the brakes made inoperative by the brake pedal being parked in the side slot of the deck main slot ....

.... as the person hauls the platform at waist height, by the hand grip on the front axle.

- Storage:

The platform unit may be leant up against a wall, braked wheels on the ground, with the brake pedal released (wheel brakes applied).


With use and time, the wheels and brake sliding bolts may benefit from a light application of oil ...... inspect for any component damage caused by misuse or accident, plus make adjustments if needed ..... All components can be replaced and are held in stock at P&Pd.

We have designed this unit with a bias towards usability and robustness .... if you have any suggestions or observations regarding it's performance, or possible improvements, we welcome user input

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