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Flex-Connection Farm Hydrant

hydrant flexible hydrant stand assembly

  The P&Pd Flex-Connection Farm Hydrant has features that make it easy to use, durable, and cost effective .... with an *accessory feature that prevents accidental spillage and retains a head of liquid.

  Features include:


  - a flexible connection hose; 

            . that allows local paddock connection, negating the use of an extra bypass leg

            . with the flexibility to resist damage, or minimise damage, if driven into

            . with the option of having a fitted spherical marker for added visibility

            . and a large radius flow path for maximum fluid flow

  - the inlet and outlet up-stands have especially manufactured extra large radius bends for  less restrictive fluid flow and reduced risk of blockage

  - an assembly that is configuration adaptable (number of inlet and outlet legs variable)

  -  *  an optional safety valve that guards against spillage during disconnection, retains effluent in the preceding pipework (head pressure) and protects against flooding if the hydrant is left disconnected

  - heavy galvanised corrosion protection

P&Pd Flex-connection Farm Hydrant can be configured differently depending on the number of outlet up-stands added and the bends of each inlet and outlet up-stand can be rotated in the direction of the underground pipes being connected

            1 - 1                          1 - 2                           1 - 3                           1 - 4 .....



 The P&Pd Effluent Retention Disconnection Valve is a specially adapted valve placed in front of the camlock coupling that has to be closed before camlock disconnection can occur.



  It's purpose is to:









            - prevent effluent discharge if the hydrant is accidentally left disconnected




             - retain a head of effluent in the preceding elevated pipework


          - retain effluent during disconnection, for operator hygiene

* P&Pd Effluent Retention Disconnection Valve

3 inch ball safety valve assembly aquate

Standard  - camlock connection


P&Pd - Effluent Retention Disconnection Valve

DSCF2277 (2).JPG

Effluent Retention Valve - fully open

and the obstruction plate prevents access to one camlock arm

Effluent Retention Valve - fully closed and automatically locked shut by locking lever (until released for next reconnection). Both camlock arms are now free to be released


Hydrant - standard


 1-1   $353.00 + GST + Freight

 1-2   $543.00 + GST + Freight

 1-3   $687.00 + GST + Freight

 1-4   $801.00 + GST + Freight

Hydrant - with effluent retention valve

 1-1   $795.00 + GST + Freight

 1-2   $985.00 + GST + Freight

 1-3   $1129.00 + GST + Freight

 1-4   $1243.00 + GST + Freight


 Upstand cap   $20.00 + GST + Freight



Visibility ball (spherical marker)     $67.00 + GST + Freight

Products featured:


- P&Pd Cattle Restraining Bar - an anti backing bar for use in herringbone milking sheds

- P&Pd Heavy Duty Drag Hose Clamp - a drag hose clamp for traveling irrigator use

- P&Pd Multi Height Service Platform - a trolley, mobile platform, for use in Herringbone milking sheds

- P&Pd Flex-Connection Farm Hydrant - a farm effluent irrigation hydrant

- P&Pd PICSystem - a system that safe-guards traveling irrigator operation and effluent reticulation (from pump to pasture)


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