Heavy Duty
Drag-Hose Clamp
The P&Pd, Heavy Duty Drag-hose Clamp has been developed specifically for travelling irrigator use to provide a powerful and reliable hose/fitting connection that helps protect hose couplings from wear and damage
The P&Pd, Heavy duty Drag-hose clamp has been developed for use with polyethylene irrigation drag-hose.
A static hose/fitting application only requires a hose clamp to maintain a joint which resists the forces created by system fluid pressure.
With drag-hose applications there are extra forces to contend with: (1) ground induced resistance (200 metres of effluent filled drag-hose weighs over 1/4 tonne Vs ground contour and obstacles), (2) snagging of coupling attachments, and (3) the wall rigidity of polyethylene irrigator hose which resists clamping.
Typical hose clamps are not designed for drag-hose use and are the cause of hose/fitting seperation which: (1) disrupts work routine, (2) costs: wages, time and materials to repair (which if done using the same clamping system as previously, risks future failure), (3) causes flooding (4) risks prosecution for effluent contamination.
Features of the P&Pd, heavy Duty Drag-hose Clamp include:
- a powerful and even pipe wall constricting force that securely grips the flexible pipe wall onto the fitting within
- a rounded section compression ring that prevents pipe cutting and point stress concentration
- body components shaped and dimensioned to: resist digging into the ground, and to help protect the attached
cam-lock coupling from heavy abrasion
- recesses in the body that protect the cam-lock arms from snagging and damage
- high strength aluminium and stainless steel fasteners
- is reusable, durable, and easy to install
Price: $138.00 + GST per clamp for orders of up to 2 clamps, $127.00 + GST per clamp for orders of more than two clamps .... + freight
or (minus rebate for Farmlands card holders)
Contact Kevin, at kjsmithengineering@xtra.co.nz , or mob. 0275730566 , or visit our web site at www.papd.co.nz for more information