P&Pd PICSystem
... features:
Comprehensive The supply pump is shut down due to:
.... a leak, coupling disconnection, or hose failure
.... an irrigator nozzle blockage (if desired)
.... the irrigator ceasing to travel forwards because of mechanical or towline failure
.... the irrigator stopping for an extended time after free-
wheeling forwards
.... reaching the end of the irrigator run
.... supply pipeline blockage
.... a disconnected hydrant
.... over-pressurisation of pipeline from the pump to the
Simplicity .... connect drag hose to trailer, connect trailer to irrigator,
and your ready to go
Reliable .... simple, low power consuming, well protected, and reliable
.... no regular battery replacement or charging (over-sized
solar panel and large battery storage for minimal upkeep and
long periods of night irrigation)
.... debris tolerant shut-down valve (within trailer)
.... cell phone coverage, wireless network, or combination of
both, unnecessary - effluent "flow" or "no flow", is the
communicator between irrigator and the pump
.... robust construction
.... all parts of the system made from quality materials
.... extensively developed and trialed over an extended time
Economical .... no ongoing operating fees or communication installation
.... low initial set up cost (ie. manifold* and electrical connection
at pump end)
.... thorough approach to design and construction for low
maintenance and a long service life
* if system is not already fitted with suitable manifold assembly